Welcome to the Fetcham Project

Imogen, a Director Consulting EMEA, manages a demanding job while juggling a busy home life with two teenagers. Her teens finally pushed her to transform the living room, as they often compared it unfavourably to their friends' homes. The space had become unloved, cluttered, and bland, and Imogen admitted she was avoiding it. She wanted it to feel cosy and inviting, but its awkward shape, an outdated fireplace, and overflowing bookshelves made it challenging.

We decided on a bold solution: splitting the room in half. One side would be a traditional family living area, while the other would become a cool, vibey music snug. We installed a stud wall, replaced the old fireplace with a sleek new model, replastered, and used vibrant colours and wallpaper to revitalise the space. The transformation resulted in an undeniable “wow” factor, perfect for cosy family movie nights and a dedicated space for everyone to relax and play instruments without disturbing the rest of the house.

Book a complimentary design consultation and see how I can work with you

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.



